Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bomb making instructions

Pipe bombs are fairly easy to make, but you can also make them out of cars, trucks, stink bombs, mail, fuel-air, laser guided, fertilizer, molotov, dust, flour, pipe, M-80, you name it. You can make bombs out of all sorts of things, but I'm not going to tell you how. In fact, I haven't got a clue how, but that doesn't stop people from stopping by to ask.
I used to have "bomb making instructions" as the title of my home page (even though I have no idea how to make bombs and never distributed such information). I just love salting search engines with titilating drivel. It was always interesting to crawl through the web log files looking for how many people followed links from search engines looking for bomb making information. There are sometimes a few government and news sites in the logs. More recently, I found entries for people from the following locations looking for bomb-making instructions:

Lithuania On-Line (when did their politics get weird?)
the Mayo Clinic (noted terrorist haven?)
Quite a few from Irish ISPs (including Indigo and Ireland on-line). This is not surprising I guess.
A United Kingdom ISP (tossing them back I guess). Note that there seem to be about twice as many hits from the U.K. sites as from Ireland.
Academic web of Israel. hmm...
Library of Congress
many hits from ISPs in Australia (for some reason).
The Hamilton/Clermont Cooperation Association of Boards of Education Which is more fearsome? Kids learning about the world about them, or parents trying to prevent them from learning?
I'm not sure what to make of this, but clearly some countries are more interested in booms than others. It may be people worried about bombs, or people trying to build bombs. Dunno which.
The news organizations are probably hot on the trail because they like to sensationalize the dangers of free information on the net. No doubt this is linked to the fact that the Internet is a threat to traditional news and information distribution channels. The feds seem preoccupied with suppression of free speech in the name of "law and order".
Some search engines still have my page indexed for "bomb making instructions" because they don't keep crawling pages they have been to already (that's one way you can detect impending death in a crawler company). For example, Infoseek did not visit my site for several years. They used to list my web page titled "bomb making instructions" right below "Senator Feinstein Amendment to Prohibit Distribution of Bomb Making Info On the Internet". I think I finally shamed them into removing the link. I seem to be holding up on google, since they have had me ranked highly for the query "bomb making instructions" since their inception.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Scientists developed 'gay bomb' to make enemy soldiers stop fighting and make love

"All's fair in love and war," the old proverb goes.

And one group of military scientists certainly took the statement to heart when they designed a "gay bomb" to make enemy soldiers irresistible to each other.
Researchers from the US Air Force submitted a three-page proposal to Pentagon chiefs to develop lust-creating chemical weapon, it has been revealed.

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A stealth bomber dropping a deadly payload... But what if it sowed the seeds of love instead?
Scientists at the Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio - working to make American military might even mightier - made the discovery in 1994, according to detailed papers unearthed through a freedom of information request.
And last night they were finally rewared with an Ig Nobel prize for peace, a spoof of the Nobel prizes, due to be announced next week.
Marc Abrahams, editor of the Annals of Improbable Research and the man behind the Ig Nobel awards, explained: "We don't know if this document was the start and end of it or whether, in fact, this project continued and perhaps continues to this day."
The awards ceremony at America's prestigious Harvard University celebrate the quirkier side of science, handing out 10 gongs.

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Pink apocalypse: What soldiers mights look like after a
In previous years the prizes have honoured a centrifugal-force birthing machine that spins pregnant women at high speed and Britain's official six-page specification for how to make a cup of tea.
Among this year's winners was Briton Brian Witcombe, who picked up a gong for discovering that sword swallowing's most common injury is, surprise, surprise, a sore throat.
In his report, published in the British Medical Journal, Mr Witcombe, a radiologist at Gloucestershire Royal NHS foundation trust, wrote that sword swallowers knew theirs was a dangerous occupation.
Because he could find only two reports in the literature of injuries from the practice, he canvassed almost 50 sword swallowers to explore their technique and its side-effects.
"Sore throats - 'sword throats' - occur when swallowers are learning, when performances are repeated frequently, or when odd-shaped or multiple swords are used," he concluded.
He went on to describe how one swallower had lacerated his pharynx as he tried to swallow a curved sabre.
And another damaged his oesophagus and developed an inflammation of the protective membrane around his lungs "after being distracted by a misbehaving macaw on his shoulder".
Also, a belly dancer suffered a major haemorrhage "when a bystander pushed dollar bills into her belt causing three blades in her oesophagus to scissor".
Glenda Browne of Blaxland, Australia won this year's Ig Nobel prize for literature with her study of the word "the" and the various problems it causes for anyone trying to index things.
In a report for the journal the Indexer, she said that taking the "the" into account was useful in many situations: "In the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, for example, each 'the' is as important as the others.
"If we sort on the initial 'the' (as well as the following ones in their turn), then we are according each of the articles equal importance."
But she conceded that a blanket rule to incorporate 'the' into indexes often led to long lists of titles starting with the word, making specific entries harder to find. A particular problem, Dr Abrahams added, was indexing the rock band the The.
Juan Manuel Toro, Josep Trobalon and Núria Sebastián-Gallés, of Barcelona University, collected the linguistics Ig Nobel for showing that rats sometimes cannot tell the difference between a person speaking Japanese backwards and a person speaking Dutch backwards.
Genuine Nobel laureates presented the prizes to winners. Rich Roberts (medicine 1993), William Lipscomb (chemistry 1976), Craig Mello (medicine 2005), Robert Laughlin (physics 1998), Roy Glauber (physics 2005), Dudley Herschbach (chemistry 1986) and Sheldon Glashow (physics 1979) handed over the gongs.
Last year's winners included a Welsh engineer who designed a gadget to disperse gangs of loitering teenagers by playing a shriek that only they could hear and a study into how woodpeckers avoid headaches.
Dr Abrahams said of this year's winners: "They make you laugh when you first hear about them. You almost have no choice, then you can't quite get them out of your head afterwards. It's slightly difficult to accept that these things are real - but they are."
The Winners...
Medicine: Brian Witcombe of Gloucester and Dan Meyer of Antioch, Tennessee, for their report in the British Medical Journal, Sword Swallowing and its Side-Effects.
Physics: L Mahadevan of Harvard and Enrique Cerda Villablanca of Santiago University, Chile, for studying how sheets become wrinkled.
Biology Johanna van Bronswijk of Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, for a census of the mites, insects, spiders, pseudoscorpions, crustaceans, bacteria, algae, ferns and fungi with whom we share our beds.
Chemistry: Mayu Yamamoto of the International Medical Centre of Japan, for developing a way to extract vanilla essence from cow dung.
Linguistics: Juant Manuel Toro, Josep Trobalon and Núria Sebastián-Gallés, of Barcelona University, for showing that rats cannot tell the difference between a person speaking Japanese backwards and a person speaking Dutch backwards.
Literature: Glenda Browne of Australia, for her study of the word "the" and the problems it causes when indexing.
Peace: The Air Force Wright Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio, for instigating research on a chemical weapon to make enemy soldiers sexually irresistible to each other.
Nutrition: Brian Wansink of Cornell University, for exploring the seemingly boundless appetites of human beings by feeding them with a self-refilling, bottomless bowl of soup.
Economics: Kuo Cheng Hsieh, of Taiwan, for patenting a device that catches bank robbers by dropping a net over them.
Aviation: Patricia V Agostino, Santiago A Plano and Diego A Golombek of Argentina, for the discovery that Viagra aids jetlag recovery

Chemical Fire Bomb- Tutorial

Chemical Fire Bomb- Tutorial
Since my last post was an epic failure ima teach you how to make a ... CHEMICAL FIRE BOTTLE

The chemical fire bottle is really an advanced molotov cocktail. Ratherthan using the burning cloth to ignite the flammable liquid, which has at best a fair chance of igniting the liquid, the chemical fire bottle utilizes the very hot and violent reaction between sulfuric acid and potassium chlorate. When the container breaks, the sulfuric acid in the mixture of gasoline sprays onto the paper soaked in potassium chlorate and sugar. The paper, when struck by the acid, instantly bursts into a white flame, igniting the gasoline. The chance of failure to ignite the gasoline is less than 2%, and can be reduced to 0%, if there is enough potassium chlorate and sugar to spare.MATERIALS / EQUIPMENTpotassium chlorate 12 bottle(2 teaspoons)sugar (2 teaspoons) cap for bottle, w/plastic conc. sulfuric acid (4 oz.) cooking pan with raised edgesgasoline (8 oz.) paper towelsglass or plastic cup and spoon1) Test the cap of the bottle with a few drops of sulfuric acid to make surethat the acid will not eat away the bottle cap during storage. If the acideats through it in 24 hours, a new top must be found and tested, until acap that the acid does not eat through is found. A glass top is excellent.2) Carefully pour 8 oz. of gasoline into the glass bottle.3) Carefully pour 4 oz. of concentrated sulfuric acid into the glass bottle.Wipe up any spills of acid on the sides of the bottle, and screw the cap onthe bottle. Wash the bottle's outside with plenty of water. Set it asideto dry.4) Put about two teaspoons of potassium chlorate and about two teaspoons ofsugar into the glass or plastic cup. Add about 1/2 cup of boiling water,or enough to dissolve all of the potassium chlorate and sugar.5) Place a sheet of paper towel in the cooking pan with raised edges. Foldthe paper towel in half, and pour the solution of dissolved potassiumchlorate and sugar on it until it is thoroughly wet. Allow the towel todry.6) When it is dry, put some glue on the outside of the glass bottle containingthe gasoline and sulfuric acid mixture. Wrap the paper towel around thebottle, making sure that it sticks to it in all places. Store the bottlein a place where it will not be broken or tipped over.7) When finished, the solution in the bottle should appear as two distinctliquids, a dark brownish-red solution on the bottom, and a clear solutionon top. The two solutions will not mix. To use the chemical fire bottle,simply throw it at any hard surface.8) NEVER OPEN THE BOTTLE, SINCE SOME SULFURIC ACID MIGHT BE ON THE CAP, WHICHCOULD TRICKLE DOWN THE SIDE OF THE BOTTLE AND IGNITE THE POTASSIUMCHLORATE, CAUSING A FIRE AND/OR EXPLOSION.9) To test the device, tear a small piece of the paper towel off the bottle,and put a few drops of sulfuric acid on it. The paper towel shouldimmediately burst into a white flame.BOTTLED GAS EXPLOSIVESBottled gas, such as butane for refilling lighters, propane for propanestoves or for bunsen burners, can be used to produce a powerful explosion. Tomake such a device, all that a simple-minded anarchist would have to do wouldbe to take his container of bottled gas and place it above a can of Sterno orother gelatinized fuel, light the fuel and run. Depending on the fuel used,and on the thickness of the fuel container, the liquid gas will boil andexpand to the point of bursting the container in about five minutes.In theory, the gas would immediately be ignited by the burning gelatinizedfuel, producing a large fireball and explosion. Unfortunately, the bursting ofthe bottled gas container often puts out the fuel, thus preventing theexpanding gas from igniting. By using a metal bucket half filled withgasoline, however, the chances of ignition are better, since the gasoline isless likely to be extinguished. Placing the canister of bottled gas on a bedof burning charcoal soaked in gasoline would probably be the most effectiveway of securing ignition of the expanding gas, since although the bursting ofthe gas container may blow out the flame of the gasoline, the burning charcoalshould immediately re-ignite it. Nitrous oxide, hydrogen, propane, acetylene,or any other flammable gas will do nicely.During the recent gulf war, fuel/air bombs were touted as being second onlyto nuclear weapons in their devastating effects. These are basically similarto the above devices, except that an explosive charge is used to rupture thefuel container and disperse it over a wide area. a second charge is used todetonate the fuel. The reaction is said to produce a massive shockwave and toburn all the oxygen in a large area, causing suffocation.Another benefit of a fuel-air explosive is that the gas will seep intofortified bunkers and other partially-sealed spaces, so a large bomb placed ina building would result in the destruction of the majority of surroundingrooms, rendering it structurally unsound.