Thursday, March 26, 2009

Natural Things That Absorb Carbon Dioxide Gas

Carbon Dioxide is a common gas that can be found in the atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide is naturally absorbed by plants and other organisms. Plants use carbon dioxide to photosynthesis by incorporating it into biomass.


Then it turns carbon dioxide into oxygen and releases it back to the atmosphere. Therefore, forest is an important source of natural carbon dioxide sink, especially a young forest. Young forests are composed of growing trees which absorb carbon dioxide.
Ocean are also an important source of Carbon dioxide sink. The ocean absorbs carbon dioxide into two processes which are the solubility pump and biological pump. The solubility pump is a function of differential CO2 solubility in seawater. Thermohaline circulation is biological processes which transport carbon from the surface to the ocean’s interior. Approximately, one third of human activities carbon emissions are estimated to enter the ocean. Global warming and climate change are believed to decrease the ability of the ocean to absorb carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can also naturally be absorbed by Soils. There are more carbon in soils than the atmosphere and vegetation combined. Organic carbon in soils is called “humus”. Humus is naturally accumulates below 25 degrees Celsius. Above 25 degrees, humus is oxidized very quickly. This is one of the reasons why tropical soils under jungles are very thin.

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