Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cargille Labs

Website has been updated to reflect changes in pricing as of Jan 15th of this year

Cargille Labs has passed its official ISO 9001:2000 audit and has copies of the certification available upon request. We will be adding a link to this certificate shortly.

Cargille has completed work on a new low fluorescence high viscosity Immersion Oil designed for work at 37°C. An article was published in the RMS Journal of Microscopy in November 2008. Please contact us for pricing information.

Cargille has created new catalog numbers to more easily order high accuracy brix and refractive index standards for most temperature controlled refractometers. Please see custom made brix liquids.

Cargille Labs is proud to present its new line of Sub-Lux Gels. These profoundly black gels are designed to eliminate back reflection when paired with glasses of similar refractive index.

All of our MSDSs have been reviewed and updated. The latest versions are available on our MSDS page.

Cargille Labs Certified Water for refractive index that can be used as a NIST Traceable liquid to 0 out your Brix refractometers.

Cargille Labs release of our Multi Temperature Calibration Liquid. This liquid has been read at temperatures ranging from 20 to 70 °C.

Cargille Labs release of Acrylic matching liquid. This liquid matches both the refractive index and refractive dispersion of Acrylic ( PMMA ).

Cargille Labs release of specialized BK 7 matching liquid. This liquid is designed to have lower dispersion than many of our other liquids, thus more closely matching BK 7 over a wider range of wavelengths.

Cargille Labs release of Optical Gel nD = 1.52. Designed to offer a close match to BK-7 and other materials with a close refractive index.

Cargille has started work on optical gels with various refractive indices.

All prices subject to change without notice. Please contact us to confirm prices.
Site Last Modified January 15, 2009
© Copyright 2003 - 2009 By Cargille-Sacher Laboratories Inc. All rights reserved.
All trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners

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